Kalson Ho | Over and Over Studio

Architecture - Kalson Ho

Innovation Tower at Poly by Zaha Hadid





Just made some attempts on the long exposure photography for my current commissioned project with the Innovation Center, Poly U by Zaha Hadid.

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Innovation Tower at PolyU by Zaha Hadid ..expecting



it’d already made me thrilled on the pre-shoot site meeting morning..
and then, more excitements coming through my own check points trek on the site..
hope everything get ready soon, just can’t wait for few more days..

| Filed Under : Architecture , PhotoLife      Tagged Under :

零碳天地 ZCB

三年前拍攝過一個被喻為「高科學、低科技」的 擴建項目 ,
今次便要介紹一個屬於高科學、更是高科技的香港首座零碳建築 – 零碳天地。
這座零碳建築, 當中有五成用地為綠化地帶, 誓為該區夏季降温1至2度。
而建築物位置、座向及錐形和長形建築形態, 均考慮到微氣候的研究,
盡量採用建築位置的大自然熱能及通風, 同時有效增加採光, 從而符合環保節能原則。

零碳天地內亦設有多項環保設施, 計有 :
捕風器, 地中預冷管, 高性能玻璃幕牆系統, 導光管, 熱反射窗簾, 高風量低轉速風扇,
高溫空調系統, 電梯再生能源系統, 生物柴油三聯供, 吸附式製冷機 . . .

這裏機關處處, 設備種類之多,

詳盡的不提,只需去看看 官方地圖 便能領會如何「高科學、高科技」的了。

看大圖按 這裹
另外,這項目還有兩個趣味點 :

1) 建築師之一就是今天我們的環境局局長 KS Wong, 黃錦星。
2) 項目採用了 Building Information Modeling (BIM) , 把設計及施工概念數碼化,

我還在拍攝另一個亦屬 BIM 項目,就是 Frank Gehry 的 Maggie’s Cancer Caring Centre,
面對着那幾乎沒有平行線的牆體、構架、屋面, 亦能理解採用 BIM 的需要。

| Filed Under : Architecture     

International Fine Art Photography Competition 2012





At the end of 2012, I was honored with the Juror Award of Merit for two of my works in the International Fine Art Photography Competition : Grand Prix de la Decouverte in Paris.
Both photographs were in the Architecture category.

The competition in this year has more than 4,000 entries representing 72 countries.
It’s truly my honour to be chosen.
(especially if my works were chosen by Michael Kenna , he is one of jurors !)

| Filed Under : Architecture      Tagged Under :

TESTING Art Gallery

My interpretation of architectural subjects in photography.

